Monday, January 24, 2011

10 little things that make me terribly happy: liege edition.

10 little things that make me terribly happy: liège edition.
1. oranges are sold with the leaves still on them.
2. all the old men wear BIG glasses with thick black rims.
3. lots of old, skinny houses squished right next to each other.
4. brightly colored doors with the knob right in the middle.
5. cobblestone streets with moss growing in the cracks.
6. 80-something ladies with fur coats and fuschia lipstick.
7. the statue of mary that is all white except for her blue sash.
8. the smell of gaufres in the air
9. when it rains, it RAINS. a lot.
10. the lovely view from our apartment

bonjour, famille. how are things? i hope you're not freezing over there like we are here!

it was a good week this week... We had interviews on tuesday! President and Soeur Staheli came to Liège with the Assistants. I finally got to meet our zone! It was SO much fun. We all gathered at the Liège chapel around 11. we had a training by the assistants and President Staheli.... He is an amazing man. As soon as he got up to speak to us, everyone straightened up in their seats and held their pens at the ready. He truly is inspired. We love him! President Staheli's steps to goal setting:
pretty simple, isn't it? President also said the faith of the missionaries moves the mission. It always goes back to faith. It's so amazing how everything connects in the gospel! After our training, Elder Duarte made us Portuguese food for lunch. I forget what it's called, but it was really good. I thought of Richard as I ate it... It had lima beans in it :) after that, we each took our turn with President and Soeur Staheli! I loved it. He asked me if I want to stay another transfer in Liège and I said YES, please. I'd be so sad if I had to leave! He said as far as he is concerned, he'd be happy to let me stay. But it's not really up to him. :) We'll have to see what the Lord has in store for me! Since it's Soeur England's last transfer we have a pretty good chance of staying together in Liège. The transfer email comes out on Saturday, so i'll let you know!

On saturday we had a rendez-vous with Mike. His girlfriend and her family are in our branch. He comes to church every week and he's reading the book of mormon from start to finish! he's awesome. But he says he's still "waiting for an answer". We talked with him about recognizing the Holy Ghost. We're going to challenge him to baptism this week! He is so ready. He just needs to do it! It's so exciting to see someone getting closer and closer to Christ. I love missionary work.

Church on Sunday was kind of funny. At the beginning of sacrament meeing, the guy got up and said, "does anyone have any bread for the sacrament? the person who was assigned to bring it didn't show up." then a little mommy ran up to the front with a tupperware full of animal crackers. So, we had animal crackers instead of bread! it was funny.

Speaking of our branch, please say a prayer for our sweet branch president, President Stoumont. He is in the hospital right now. I'm not exactly sure what's wrong with him, but he has lost almost 20 pounds in two weeks and he was already skinny to begin with. I hope he gets better soon, we need him!

favorite hymn of the week: brightly beams our father's mercy.
brightly beams our father's mercy
from his lighthouse evermore,
but to us He gives the keeping
of the lights along the shore.
Let the lower lights be burning;
send a gleam across the wave.
some poor fainting, struggling seaman
you may rescue, you may save.

I love all of you! Thank you so much for all of your prayers, letters, love, and support.

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