Saturday, October 23, 2010

I love, love, love the MTC!!

Oh my goodness! I'm here! I love, love, LOVE the MTC. It's the most amazing experience I've ever had. The spirit is constantly so strong, I feel like I can reach out and touch it. So incredible! The sisters are treated with so much respect. It was a little weird at first to get used to teenage boys being so respectful and sweet to all the girls. :)
My companion's name is Soeur Larsen. She's a cute little brunette from Provo and I LOVE her. We have so much fun together. Both of us have some experience with French, so it makes things a lot easier in that way. We're also a lot alike (she reads Nie Nie!)  which is both good and bad. It's bad because we're both easy going and not assertive, so we've made a goal to grow backbones. (Aren't you proud, mother?)
We are the only sisters in our district, which is a blast. There are 10 elders with us. Two of them are international: Elder Andersen is from Norway and Elder Hayden (pronounced high-den) is from Austria. Elder Andersen speaks like five languages and he has the most powerful testimony I have ever heard. {Amie, his first name is Marius :) } Elder Hayden is very soft spoken, but when he does speak, it blows our minds. Yesterday he talked about Lehi's vision and how he thought the tree represents the Priesthood. He went into this whole thing about how the women are the roots of the priesthood tree and their job is to nourish, nurture, and support. How cool is that?
In class, they've been emphasizing how the gospel is all about love. Or as Elder Hayden would say, it's all about "Lauff". Seriously guys. He sounds just like Dieter. It's awesome.
Another Elder in my district, Elder Tam, went to AF High! He's two years younger than me, but he looked familiar when I first met him. I've seen so many people I know here: Elder Lunt, Austin's cousin; Elder Clements, Elder Simmons, and Soeur Wiseman, one of my close friends from Junior High, is in my zone! She's going to Toulouse. We freaked out when we saw each other.
So this is kind of how my schedule goes:
We wake up at 6:30 every morning. So far (I'm totally shocked about this) I've been doing just fine with waking up early. I know, I know. Earth shattering.
Usually, we go to our classroom to meet our district and sing a cantique (hymn), say a prayer (I can pray in French now) and read from Le Livre de Mormon.
Around 7:30 we go to breakfast. I do not like the MTC food. Nasty. The only good thing is the full cereal bar, which has a few healthy choices. They also serve fresh fruit, and they have Einstein's Bagels in the morning :) everything else is gross. All the Elders got the lasagna last night-- it looked like vomit on a plate. I'll be so glad to be able to eat some good French food come December!
After breakfast, we go either to gym time or back to class. Gym time is really fun. Until it starts snowing, we can go to the field across the street to play around. It feels really weird to walk outside the gates into the real world! I love the little MTC world. I feel right at home. Everyone is so happy here! There's so much laughter and smiling and singing. Everyone says hello to everyone. The first couple days, everyone would say "Hola, Hermanas!" to Soeur Larsen and I. Um, no. We're not Hermanas! It was really funny. Now for the most part, everyone says "Hello, sisters!" because no one can pronounce Soeur. :)
Our classtime takes up most of our day. It's a blast! Our teachers are Soeur Gabriel, who is from Geneva, Switzerland, and Frere Welch, who is from Utah. He served  his mission in Geneva and he looks like a long lost LaPointe brother. Seriously, I did a double take the first time I saw him. He looks just like them! So weird. Our class is with our district. Half of us are going to Paris, the other half to Montreal. We're already sad about splitting up! Soeur Larsen and I are the most advanced as far as French goes, so the Elders call us the "Missionaires Dictionaires". So funny :) Aside from French, we've been practicing teaching techniques. We've been using this really cool website called It's not affiliated with the church, but it is the coolest project. You guys should go check it out! We watch a clip of a video, then we talk about "Where this person is on his or her spiritual journey" and "Which gospel principles would help this person?" We've done a lot of those. The aforementioned questions are starting to get really old.
I love being a missionary oh-so-much. I feel sad when I have to take my tag off at night. I feel naked without it on! This is seriously the most amazing thing I have ever done. Each day is a new adventure. I'm constantly learning and growing, and I am so very happy!
There's an annoying timer thing in the corner of my computer screen: "5:34" in bright red numbers. 5 minutes left! Seriously, I could not sleep last night because I was so excited to email you! i have so much to tell you still, but my time is up.
Thank you for the card mom! And Katie and Matt... um, YUM! We devoured those cupcakes. Thank you so much :)
I love you so much! keep the letters and packages coming, they make my day!
Avec Amour,
Soeur Williams
P.S. My emails will be coming on Fridays from now on.